Skylands - Morris County, NJ








Abbett Avenue Park

Managed by city of Morristown

Acreage: ?

Patriot's Path Map:


George Street: Lat 40°48'1.66"N Long 74°28'29.73"W


Patriot's Path: White blazed. A section of this trail follows Whippany River through the park. See Long Distance Trails: Patriot's Path.

Perimeter loop: 0.4 mile, unblazed except Patriot's Path. A paved path encircles the park and follows Whippany River.


Black River Recreation Area

Managed by Chester Township

Acreage: ?

Map: None found


Off of Rt 513: Lat 40°47'53.45"N Long 74°40'9.39"W


Patriots Path: A section of Patriot's Path passes through the park between Highland Ridge Park and Black River WMA. It follows the access road and crosses fields, entering Autumn Olives and passing through lovely wetlands. See Long Distance Trails: Patriot's Path.


Berkshire Valley Wildlife Management Area

Managed by NJ Fish, Game, and Wildlife

Acreage: 2,030.33


County park map showing more detail:


Gordon Road: (unlocated pull off)

Minisink Road in Berkshire Valley: Lat 40°55'51.72"N Long 74°35'40.06"W (accesses very wet area)


Many informal trails and woods roads criss cross these pieces of state land. They can be followed in all directions. We at Metrotrails have been lost on these paths, so it would be prudent to bring a GPS or compass! A section of the abandoned Wharton and Northern Railroad also passes through the preserve, as well as Lake Hopatcong Railroad.

Lake Hopatcong Railroad Trail: Unblazed.This former rail line stretches from north to south between Minisink Road and Gordon Road wrapping around the east side of Mount Arlington. It was constructed to connect the Ogden Mine Railroad from Nolan's Point south to the High Bridge Branch of the Central Railroad of NJ at Lake Junction. The route is followed by an above ground pipe most of the way. It is clear and follows a high shelf. For more info, see Long Distance Trails: Ogden Mine Railroad


Brundage Park

Managed by Randolph Township

Acreage: 232

Map: Randolph Trails:


Off Carrell Road: Lat 40°50'16.56"N Long 74°35'5.72"W

Carrell Road south: Lat 40°50'6.93"N Long 74°34'48.77"W

Off Sussex Turnpike: Lat 40°49'57.13"N Long 74°35'17.15"W


Randolph Trails: Randolph Township has a great interconnected system of trails, and Brundage Park is very connected. Aside from the larger main paths going through, there are many side paths which make possible many different little loops. Access points are along Tucker Road, where to the south another short section of the trail exists, then walking Morris Turnpike to the south becomes Dolly Bridge Road and connects with Patriots Path. Another access is on Sussex Turnpike, where the trail system continues from the Clyde Potts Reservoir property. It also makes another connection to Church Road along this route. The northern access is on Carrell Road across from the intersection of Fairview Ave near a ball field where there is parking. By walking Fairview Ave, then turn left on Longview Ave, then right on Melanie Lane, hikers can reach another trail access and continue on more of the Randolph system.

One access point is on Center Grove Street, which is only about 0.7 from Morris County Community College. The trail from this point enters the woods next to some abandoned barns. It continues on an old woods road. After about 0.2 mile, a side path leads to the right across a field and into woods, then to Melanie Lane where the road walk described above reaches the parking area. Another path leads left to Lamalfa Road. Along the main trail, another fork leads to the left to Center Grove Elementary School and Randolph High School. To the right, the trail leads to another fork, where to the left the trail goes to Freedom Park, and to the right leads across the head waters of India Brook to the southern end of Brundage Park with the above mentioned connections.


Cataract Park

Managed by Washington Township (Morris)

Acreage: ?

Map: (poor)


Schooley's Mountain Road: Lat: 40°48'51.74"N Long:  74°49'8.15"W


Cataract Trail: Blue blazed, somewhat sloppy. This trail begins along Rt 24 a bit north of the intersection with Newburg Road. It crosses a foot bridge over a creek, then ascends to a small knoll. It then climbs very steeply along an old logging road, presumably, then shifts off to the left to a seasonal view over Mansfield Township. Soon, orange blazed Mine Trail turns right. Cataract Trail descends left on an old woods road into a hidden glen. It leads to the Cataract Falls, a nice little waterfall. After the trail ends, a steep climb up to the top of the falls, then across the creek is another Cataract Trail, teal blazed, which begins at Heath Village.

Mine Trail: Orange blazed. This very short trail climbs slightly from Cataract Trail to an iron mine that can be entered. It is not very deep, but is interesting nonetheless.


Cohen Farm Park

Managed by Randolph Township

Acreage: 111

Map: Randolph Trails:


See Brundage Park, Freedom Park


Randolph Trails: The Randolph Trail system connects to the site from Freedom Park to the south, and from the Middle School, High School, Elementary School, and municipal offices to the northeast. These parks connect also with Brundage Park. The trail passes by some old farm buildings in the north, and over the head waters of India Brook in the south.

High Point Trail: Unblazed. This side trail leads off to the right of the Randolph Trail near the south end of the property to the highest point in the township, elevation 1130. There isn't much of a view.


Combs Hollow and Clyde Potts Reservoir Property

Managed by ?

Acreage: ?

Randolph Trails Map:


Combs Hollow Road: Lat 40°49'6.04"N Long 74°36'11.32"W

Old Brookside Road: Lat 40°49'20.31"N Long 74°34'52.32"W


Patriot's Path: white blazed. A section of Patriot's Path passes through this property from Combs Hollow Road to Woodland Road. It begins on the gravel, sometimes paved Randolph Trails system. It then turns off and becomes a foot path descending on and near a utility line. See Long Distance Trails: Patriot's Path.

Old Morris Turnpike: 0.9 mile, unblazed. This trail follows the abandoned portion of what was the Old Morris Turnpike from Dolly Bridge Road in Randolph to Calais Road in Mendham.

Randolph Trail: blue blazed. The Patriot's Path, white blazed, follows a portion of the Randolph Trails system from Combs Hollow Road to near the power line. Northeast of there it is blue blazed and stretches to a parking area on Old Brookside Road, or to the north to connect to Brundage Park at Sussex Turnpike. It is a wide gravel path the entire distance and easy to follow.


Dismal Harmony Natural Area

Managed by Morris County Park Commission


Mendham twp. trails map #1:

Mendham Twp. trail map #2:


East Main Street: Lat 40°47'45.02"N Long 74°33'36.79"W

Stoney Hill Road: Unlocated

Woodlawn Terrace: Lat 40°48'19.96"N Long 74°34'31.27"W

Tingley Road: Lat 40°48'0.86"N Long 74°33'27.59"W


Patriot's Path: white blazed. A section of this long trail passes through Dismal Harmony, named for the two brooks which pass through it, Dismal Brook on the east and Harmony Brook on the west. It has connections to Tingley Road and Stoney Hill Road, unblazed.

Yellow Trail: This trail makes a loop to the north of Patriot's Path following along either side of Dismal Brook, with other spur trails. More info needed.


Egbert Lake Park

Managed by Rockaway Township

Acreage: 72

Map: None found


Off of Green Pond Road: Lat 40°59'56.17"N Long 74°28'41.41"W


Wharton and Northern Railroad bed: 0.3 mile, unblazed. A section of this former rail line passes along the west shore of Egbert Lake. It is clear and very scenic. Unofficial, unmarked trails lead off to a driveway on the east side.

Gravel perimeter path: 0.9 mile unblazed. Follow along the rail bed, then descend and pass around the east end of the lake back to Green Pond Road.


Evans Family Forest Preserve

Managed by Chester Township

Acreage: 110





Freedom Park

Managed by Randolph Township

Acreage: 172

Map: Randolph Trails:


Millbrook Ave: Lat 40°50'13.41"N Long 74°34'15.75"W


The park, like many active recreation areas has a series of paved paths which pass through. It is also a connective piece of the Randolph Trails sytem, leading into James Andrews Memorial County Park to the east, and Brundage Park on the west. The crossing of Millbrook Road is a nice safe crosswalk, button operated.


Hacklebarney State Park

Managed by NJ Parks and Forests

Acreage: 978

Map: None found


Main lot, State Park Road access: Lat  40°45'5.22"N Long 74°43'57.87"W

Hunters Lot #1, Pottersville Road at Lamerson Road intersection: Lat 40°44'53.70"N Long 74°43'7.38"W

Hunters Lot #2, Pottersville Road (this is a washed out side road along the main road): Lat 40°44'29.88"N Long 74°43'3.76"W

Hunters Lot #2A, Pottersville Road: Lat 40°44'2.83"N Long 74°43'10.87"W

Hunters Lot #3, Pottersville Road: Lat 40°43'15.27"N Long 74°43'14.29"W


The trails in Hacklebarney State Park are very confusing, and for years were poorly marked (a tree might have a left turn blaze, when the trail actually goes right). There may also be re-naming and changing of trail routes. Please refer back to this site for regular updates.

Main Trail: white blazed. This trail leads from the main parking area past the restrooms. It forms sort of a "spine" from which many other trails break off, starting with the multi named red blazed trail down steps to the left. It then continues, really a woods road, with Haki Trail turning left down hill. It makes it's way up hill past the playgrounds where yellow blazed Windy Ridge Trail turns right, and returns a bit further down. Blue blazed Three Pools Trail turns left ahead, and where the Windy Ridge Trail rejoins, the map shows the name changing to Rhinehardt Brook Trail. Actually, it is the same woods road continuing across Rhinehardt Brook. Recently, the white blazes were continued from here out to the border monuments at the end of the park, where Rhinehardt Brook Trail turns left down hill. It makes more sense that the white blazes lead from one end of the park to the other and are the same route. Sloppy old red blazes are still in place along with the white ones at the end.

Upper Trail/Lower Trail/Rhinehardt Brook Trail: These are actually all part of the same trail. From the main trail, it leads down a set of steps, over Trout Brook on a bridge, and passes through picnic areas. It then passes a restroom on the left, and the blue blazed Haki Trail joins on the right. It continues to gain elevation high above the brook, with a small waterfall down to the right. It continues past a large fence at the park boundary, and blue blazed Wintershine Trail goes right to rejoin this trail after a short distance, then makes it's way down hill to a picnic area along the Black River. The trail is wide until near this point, and it becomes a narrow, rocky foot path. The trail crosses over the brook it had once followed, and Wintershine Trail comes in on the right. Three Pools Trail also descends from the right. The trail continues along the Black River. Blazes on this trail have been fixed to some extent, but there are still some sloppy ones, and near Trout Brook there is a left turn and right turn blaze, when traveling up stream along Black River. The right turn is the correct one.

Blue Connector Trail: blue blazed. A short blue blazed trail, actually a service road, turns left away from the white blazed Main Trail, and descends to cross Trout Brook and make a connection to the red blazed trail. It is very short and is not named on the map. If coming up hill to the Main Trail, the blue blaze is incorrectly marked left when it should be right.

Haki Trail: blue blazed. This trail, another service road trail, is wide and leads down hill to the left from Main Trail to the intersection of the red blazed Lower Trail and blue blazed Wintershine Trail near restrooms.

Wintershine Trail: blue blazed. This trail breaks away from the red blazed Lower Trail near the fence, before it begins to descend to the Black River. Wintershine Trail follows a high shelf above the river and then joins with the red trail again along the Black River, near it's confluence with the Trout Brook.

Windy Ridge Trail: sloppily yellow blazed. This trail breaks away from the main trail and heads up hill on an old road, with some seasonal views. It then descends as a foot path using some steps to join the Main Trail at Rhinehardt Brook.

Three Pools Trail: blue blazed. Another short trail which leads from Main Trail down to the Lower Trail along the Black River, allowing for possible shorter loops.

Playground Trail: unmarked. This trail connects the Main Trail at the playground with the access road and other unnamed paths.

Unnamed upland trails:

Orange Trail (abandoned): This trail once passed from the hunter parking area on the east side of the park down to the Black River, but it was abandoned due to concerns from a state house resident and because the east side of the park is open to hunting. This trail may be re-opened in the future.

Other informal trails: Many other informal trails pass through the undeveloped east side of Hacklebarney. There is a woods road that cuts into the woods near Pottersville, just south of Hunters Lot #3. Other little loop trails make their way through the woods, in a loop, also beginning from Hunters Lot #3. A private land owner maintains a mowed trail around the fields from Hunters Lot #2A, and the former Orange Trail can be accessed from nearby. Another informal trail leads from Hunters Lot #1.


Hedden Park

Managed by Morris County Park Commission

Acreage: 380



End of Ford Street: Lat 40°52'39.67"N Long 74°34'53.63"W

Hawthorne Street: Lat 40°52'37.60"N Long 74°34'42.64"W

Concord Road: Lat 40°52'23.36"N Long 74°35'13.13"W

East Randolph Ave: Lat 40°52'10.45"N Long 74°35'49.95"W


Hedden Circular Trail: 1.9 miles, white blazed. This trail makes a loop around the interior of Hedden Park following both old woods roads and foot paths.

Indian Falls Trail: 0.4 mile, green blazed. This trail begins on the service road near the Saturn Playground and follows the Jackson Brook up stream to Indian Falls, a lovely little cascade. It then turns left, crosses Hedden Circular Trail, and ends at the south end of the same trail.

Jackson Brook Trail: 0.6 mile, yellow blazed. This trail breaks away from the southwest side of Hedden Circular Trail and continues along Jackson Brook. It reaches Indian Falls Road, turns right near the intersection with Hurd Street and crosses Jackson Brook on the road bridge, then turns left again through woods. The trail ends at East Randolph Ave where there is limited parking. To make a longer hike, it is possible to hike to the paths of County College of Morris, and beyond to Randolph Trails in ???. Turn left on Randolph Ave for 0.15 mile, then right on Bedminster. Turn immediately left on Mariner Drive to a cul de sac, from which a paved path leads to Georgian Road. Continue straight on Johnson Place, then right on Dover-Chester Road to Rt 10. Cross Rt 10, and the entrance to CCM is on the left, just under a mile from the south end of Jackson Brook Trail. See Community College of Morris for more.

Mountain Trail: 0.2 mile, red blazed. This short, steep trail cuts short the loop of Hedden Circular Trail at it's east end.

Paved trail: 0.2 mile, unblazed. This paved trail leads from the parking area on Ford Street to one of many parking spots on Hawthorne Street, following and crossing Wallace Brook.

Service Road: 0.5 mile, unblazed. The service road runs from east side of the parking area on the end of Concord Ave to the paved trail near Hedden Pond, near the Saturn Playground. It crosses Hedden Circular Trail twice, and joins Indian Falls Trail at it's north end.

Park Heights Ave Connector Trail: 0.18 mile, unblazed. This trail runs from the south end of Park Heights Avenue as a woods road to the north end of Hawthorne Street, just east of Hedden Pond. Another unmarked trail stays closer to the waterfront.

Fordice Street Connector Trail: blue blazed. This short trail connects the Hedden Circular Trail with the end of Fordice Street.

Other Connector Trails: blue blazed. Two other blue blazed connector trails provide access to Hedden Circular Trail; one from Hawthorne Street, the other from the paved trail.

Unblazed trails: Other unmarked paths lead between various points in the park, along the lake, near Indian Falls, and to unofficial access points.


Heisteins Park

Managed by Randolph Township

Acreage: 44



Dawson Road: Lat 40°49'13.60"N Long 74°36'56.06"W

Off of South Road: Lat 40°49'19.99"N Long 74°36'52.72"W

Doby Road at the pond: Lat 40°49'19.27"N Long 74°36'39.66"W


Patriot's Path: white blazed. See Long Distance Trails. A section of Patriot's Path follows the south side of Heisteins Park. Most of the route through the park is paved.

Perimeter Trail: 1.2 miles, unblazed except Patriot's Path section. This trail encircles the park on a paved route, through woods, around the fields, and around a picturesque pond on the east side. It also passes near a pavilion. Patriot's Path uses part of this route. Paved paths leave the park and follow Patriot's Path south, or north to Quail Run.


Hibernia Mine Railroad

Map: Jersey Highlands Map set, NYNJ Trail Conference


Wildcat Ridge WMA Lat 40°56'40.69"N Long 74°29'35.01"W

While this is not yet an official hiking trail, some sections of the old right of way are walkable. It closely parallels Green Pond Road from Beach Glen to Hibernia. Some of it is overgrown, and some is on private land. Respect private property owners and do not trespass. The rail line ends at the at the trail head off of Green Pond Road, the southern terminus of the Four Birds Trail.


Hidden Valley Park

Managed by Randolph Township

Acreage: 51

Map: Randolph Trails:


Off Everdale Road: Lat 40°50'56.35"N Long 74°33'18.19"W


The Randolph Trails system is connected with this park, which has a parking area off of Everdale Road from which trails split. To the left, the trail leads to Radke Road. To the right, it leads out of Hidden Valley Park to intersect with trails out of James Andrews Memorial County Park, Randolph Middle and High Schools, and municipal offices.


Highlands Ridge Park

Managed by Chester Township

Acreage: 113






Hugh Force Park

Managed by ?

Acreage: ?

Map: None found


Off Central Ave in Wharton: Lat 40°54'7.14"N Long 74°35'17.61"W


Morris Canal Trail: unblazed here. 0.3 mile section of the former canal passes through the park. See Morris Canal Greenway in Long Distance Trails for more.

High Bridge Branch of the CNJ: A section of this old railroad line also passes through the park, above the canal on Irondale Mountain, but it comes out to private land.


India Brook Trail System (India Brook Natural Area, India Brook Park, Buttermilk Falls Natural Area)

Managed by ?

Acreage: ?

India Brook Trail Map:

Upper Trail Map:

Combs Hollow Loop Map:

Mountainside loop Map:

India Brook Park Map:

Randolph Trails Map:


Mountainside Road: Lat 40°47'10.39"N Long 74°37'14.48"W

Calais Road: Lat 40°47'46.01"N Long 74°36'42.72"W

Combs Hollow Road/Buttermilk Falls: Lat 40°48'25.02"N Long 74°36'32.24"W

Combs Hollow Road/Randolph: Lat 40°48'35.69"N Long 74°36'38.81"W

Ironia Road: Lat 40°48'2.77"N Long 74°37'31.47"W


These parks all share a common connective trail system, and so it makes most sense to describe the entire India Brook system. The main route connects the blue and white branches of the Patriot's Path between Randolph and Mendham. The three trails can be used to make an excellent 13 mile loop! There is not a good definitive map, but there are excellent ones that focus on specific hikes, presented by Mendham Township Open Space Committee and their website

India Brook Trail: mostly white blazed. From the blue blazed Patriot's Path just outside of Ralston, where the trail crosses over India Brook on concrete cylinders, India Brook Trail turns left. It follows the edge of the brook on a wide pathway. There are a lot of "Quality Deer Management" signs. The trail comes out to a wide field; skirt it to the right. Soon come to and cross Mountainside Road. There is a sign for India Brook Natural Area here. The trail passes along old mill race remnants, and then the site of Bockoven Saw Mill. It also comes to the abutments of a former bridge. A road once crossed the India Brook here. Ahead, ????? Trail turns off to the left, while the India Brook Trail continues straight. It soon crosses India Brook with some difficulty over rocks. During wet weather, high water, or icy periods, this crossing may be very difficult.

India Brook Trail continues along the east side of the stream, climbing to a higher elevation, and then descends just before Buttermilk Falls (there are many falls that bear this name in NJ/PA/NY). The trail turns right and climbs above the falls, and a fire place can be seen on the other side at the rocks. The trail continues past the Lewis Forge site, and crosses the ruins of an earthen dam that once supplied water, then continues along the brook. It crosses the brook on a rather new prefab bridge (this was once a difficult crossing) and continues up stream. The northernmost section of India Brook Trail is most difficult to follow, and the oldest in this system, having been set up as part of the Patriots Path system years back. The trail comes out to Combs Hollow Road, where the white blazes end. From here, turn right and cross the bridge on Combs Hollow Road, then turn left at a new kiosk at a small parking area. This section of trail has a crushed stone surface. Follow it below a new development, then to a former road route after an ascent. The trail continues to terminate at the Patriot's Path in the Randolph Trails system.

Upper Trail: Connects Comb Hollow Road with Calais Road, passes by Spring Pond and Frog Pond, and has a spur to the Lewis Mine.

Blue Trail: This trail breaks away as a foot path to parallel Upper Trail, then joins it, starting from Combs Hollow Road.

Buttermilk Falls Walkway: Needs more description.


James Andrews Memorial County Park

Managed by Morris County Park Commission/Randolph Township

Acreage: ?



See Freedom Park, Hidden Valley Park for access.


Randolph Trails System: The Randolph Trail system connects to the site from Freedom Park to the north, Hidden Valley Park to the east, and from the Middle School, High School, Elementary School, and municipal offices to the north. All of these trails are connected with Brundage Park, and can be connected with the Patriot's Path system further to the south. The main section through James Andrews leads from the trail that connects these sites mentioned near Freedom Park to the south, across Den Brook, and then reaches and crosses Radke Road at 1.2 miles. It continues on, and at 1.5 miles a short side path leads left to Rickland Drive. It continues across West Hanover Ave at 1.7 miles, then continues on to Shongum School at 2.1. It is possible to continue along the path at the school, and turn right to make connections with both Washington Valley Road and Elaine Court.

A continuation of this trail to the south is proposed, and may connect to Dismal Harmony one day.

Den Brook Trail: 0.5 mile, unmarked. This foot path follows the Den Brook from the Randolph Trail to Radke Road.


Lewis Morris Park

Managed by Morris County Park Commission

Acreage: 1154



Off of Rt 510: Lat 40°47'19.31"N Long 74°32'37.14"W

Off Tempe Wick Road: Lat 40°46'3.21"N Long 74°33'10.42"W


Patriot's Path: white or blue blazed. Two branches of the Patriot's Path pass through Lewis Morris Park. The white blazed trail is the main route,  heading across the county east to west. It passes close to Rt 510, where the blue blazed spur heads south to Jockey Hollow through Lewis Morris to Morristown National Historic Park. See Long Distance Trails.

Yellow Trail: Need further info

Red Trail: Need further info

Green Trail: More info needed

Orange Trail: More info needed

Teal Trail: More info needed

Black Dot Orange Trail: More info needed


Mahlon Dickerson Reservation

Managed by Morris County Park Commission

Acreage: 3,200



Weldon Road near Saffin Pond: Lat 41° 0'28.71"N Long 74°35'12.49"W

Side road north of Weldon Road: Lat 41° 0'48.85"N Long 74°33'48.02"W


Highlands Trail: Tea Diamond blazed. A section of this trail passes through Mahlon Dickerson, passes along the shore of Saffin Pond after following a short section of Ogden Mine Railroad, makes it's way up to the Headley Overlook with some views of Lake Hopatcong, then continues out of the county. See Long Distance Trails: Highlands Trail.

Saffin Rock Rill:

Yellow Trail:

Ogden Mine Railroad Trail: A section of this historic route passes through Mahlon Dickerson. See Long Distance Trails: Ogden Mine Railroad

Beaver Brook Trail:


McVickers Brook Preserve

Managed by Schiff Natural Lands Trust and Mendham Borough

Acreage: 107



Pleasant Valley Road: Lat 40°45'5.07"N Long 74°37'4.11"W


Metrotrails has yet to explore this section of the Schiff Natural Lands Trust.

Franklin Parker Trail: This trail has yet to be explored by Metrotrails


Minisink County Park

Managed by Morris County Park Commission.

Acreage: ?

Map: (note, this county map shows the area in little detail)



A short section of the former Lake Hopatcong Railroad passes through this according to Google maps, which is not always a reliable resource for trails. Very little is known about this tract. It has not been explored by Metrotrails except for around it's perimeters. We assume it is completely undeveloped save for old woods roads that appear to enter. Morris County park signs border a section along Minisink Road. Large rocks have been put along the road opposite to prevent people from pulling off.


Mosle Preserve and Recreation Area

Managed by Schiff Natural Land Trust and Mendham Township

Acreage: 117

Map: Not explored



Metrotrails has yet to explore this preserve


Morris County Community College

Managed by CCM

Acreage: ?

Map: (to see connections)


West side: Lat 40°51'31.78"N Long 74°35'7.43"W

South side: Lat 40°51'19.29"N Long 74°34'38.80"W


Like most college campuses, there are many paved paths connecting buildings and other facilities. CCM is no exception, though it does not have nearly what it could. We at Metrotrails like to use the CCM campus to connect other park areas, and eliminate the length of road walks. On the west side, there is about a half mile long paved path to the south of the entrance road from Dover-Chester Road. It is just under a mile road walking to the south end of the Jackson Brook Trail in Hedden Park. From the south end parking area, it is only 0.7 mile on Center Grove Road to the north trail head for the Randolph Trails into Brundage Park. These trails make connections all the way to the Patriot's Path and many other locations.


Morristown National Historic Park

Managed by National Park Service

Acreage: ?

Trail Map:

Overview map:


Jockey Hollow Road: Lat 40°45'40.83"N Long 74°32'33.57"W

Grand Parade and Sugarloaf Road: Lat 40°46'30.42"N Long 74°32'16.44"W

Grand Parade and Jockey Hollow Road: Lat 40°46'20.24"N Long 74°31'39.97"W

Fort Nonsense: Lat 40°47'37.53"N Long 74°29'17.40"W


Patriots Path: blue blazed, white blazed. A section of Patriots Path passes through this park. This is the spur that heads to Hardscrabble Road from the main white blazed Patriots Path in Lewis Morris Park. This section of Patriots Path is blazed. blue, but it is co-aligned with the Grand Loop Trail which is blazed white.

New Jersey Brigade Trail: 2.75 miles. Most of this trail is co-aligned with the Patriot's Path branch south, from the south end of Grand Loop Trail to Hardscrabble Road. It crosses the tiny Passaic River in it's head waters as a creek, pristine in comparison to several miles down stream.

Grand Loop Trail: 6.5 miles, white blazed.

Primrose Brook Trail: 1.13 miles, red blazed

Soldier Hut Trail: More data needed

Grand Parade Trail: More data needed

Aqueduct Loop Trail: More data needed

Mendham Road Trail: More data needed

New York Brigade Trail: More data needed

Mount Kemble Loop Trail: More data needed

Fort Nonsense: Although this is not an official "trail" it can be walked to from many in Morristown, as it is closer to town than the rest of the park. Fort Nonsense, supposedly named by soldiers who felt it was a pointless location (though it's vantage point is certainly justifiable), was a lookout point during the American Revolution. It is possible to walk around the site, and it can be used to combine hikes using Burnham Park below to Fosterfields Living Historic Farm 1.6 miles to the west, and it is only 0.75 mile to Patriot's Path's main branch.


Mount Tabor Abandoned Rail Line

Managed by ?

Mileage: 1.08

Map: None found


This abandoned rail line, probably a trolley, runs from Powder Mill Road to Rt 10, and is proposed as a future trail. It closely parallels the former Morris and Essex Division railroad, now NJ Transit.


Mount Hope Pond Park

Managed by Rockaway Township

Acreage: ?

Map: None found


Access road from Mt. Hope Road: Lat 40°55'42.27"N Long 74°32'45.25"W

Trails: There are no marked trails within Mount Hope Lake Park, but informal former mine roadways can be followed out of the park and onto Mount Hope Historic Park property of the Morris County Park Commission. Both the white and blue trails in this park reach the boundary of Mt. Hope Pond.

It is also possible to walk the perimeter of Mt. Hope Pond; there is no official trail for some of the way, and it is rocky, but leads to a cabin from which the access road leads back to Mt. Hope Road.


Mount Hope Historic Park

Managed by Morris County Park Commission

Acreage: ?



Teabo Road: Lat 40°55'17.20"N Long 74°33'11.22"W


Red Trail: 1.5 miles, blue blazed. From the parking area, the Red Trail turns left where the Blue and White are to the right, and follows the ore vein south. It splits at 0.37 mile from the parking area in two directions. To the left, it continues to follow the ore vein. It then forks to the right where the Orange Trail cuts off to the left, and climbs to the other end of the Orange Trail. It ascends on a more upland path above and loops back to close the lollipop loop.

Orange Trail: 1.2 miles, orange blazed. From it's southern terminus along Red Trail, the Orange Trail descends to the ruins of the mining operation buildings, which is very closely parallel with the old Mt. Hope Mineral Railroad, which is a proposed trail, but currently closed to public. The trail continues past the ruins, then turns north and gains elevation. It passes by a few lesser mines before returning to the ore vein and the Red Trail.

White Trail: 0.5 mile, white blazed. From the parking area, the white trail diverges to the right from the blue trail to continue to Old Teabo Mine #2 which is near the corner of the property. This is a deep old mine. Where the triple blaze signifies th end of the trail, the old woods road can be followed into Mt. Hope Pond Park.

Blue Trail: 0.4 mile, blue blazed. This trail diverges from the white trail about 0.1 mile from the parking area, and then follows the utility line closely to old mine sites. It too ends officially at the county park border but can be followed into the municipal park.


Mount Hope Mineral Railroad

Managed by ???



The Mount Hope Mineral Railroad was constructed in 1867 to haul iron ore directly from Mount Hope Mine to the Morris Canal. Later, in 1886, a connection was made to the High Bridge Branch of the Central Railroad of NJ in Wharton. The line remained in service until the 1960s decline in iron mining.

Today, the southern portion of the right of way has been converted to trail use, and the northern portion has been proposed and will hopefully become part of Morris County's wonderful trail initiative. Until that time, please respect private propeties an do not trespass.

0.00 The mileage begins at the corner of  Main Street and Washington Street in Wharton. At this point, the trail bears little resemblance as a former rail line. It crosses the former Morris and Essex Division line, now NJ Transit on a foot bridge, then meanders on the other side parallel with Main Street looking less like a rail bed. The Morris Canal was a block south of the beginning of the trail. The High Bridge Branch of the CNJ continued south from the trail head as well, but is obscure. Much of it was obliterated through development through Wharton.

0.15 The rail bed crosses Harry Shupe Blvd. To the right, the High Bridge Branch continues off into the trees, but is obliterated by commercial buildings beyond. On the other side, it made it's way to connect with Hibernia Mine Railroad, and is still used as an industrial spur. The trail continues ahead.

0.20 The trail crosses Rockaway River on a bridge just below Lake Washington. Main Street turns away on the left, and the trail passes behind buildings.

0.45 Reach Dewey Ave. To the right on this road is the Shop Rite, a good spot for parking only a short distance away. Morris County reported to Metrotrails in Autumn 2010 that a portion of the Mt. Hope Mineral Railroad ahead has been developed as a trail, but that it remained private property after a short distance. Please respect private property and do not trespass.

Ahead, the rail bed passes by a small building.

0.60 The rail bed passes beneath Interstate 80. The on/off ramps intimately hug the rail bed ahead.

0.78 The rail bed passes beneath the southbound lane of Rt 15. There is very interesting graffiti here.

0.82 The rail bed passes beneath the northbound lane of Rt 15 and emerges at the end of a parking lot. It can be somewhat obscure in this area to the north, and somewhat overgrown. Former ATV paths lead off of the parking area onto the rail bed.

1.00 The rail bed crosses Richard Mine Road, then skirts an apartment complex on the left, with homes on the right. Much debris is on the rail bed.

1.35 Small pull off parking area (unofficial) has a path connecting with the Orange Trail in Mt. Hope Historic Park.

1.50 Utility right of way crossing. The rail bed has weeds growing across it seasonally, but pathway remains clear from ATVs.

1.70 The rail bed becomes wide and heavily used by ATVs

1.75 An obscure turn is taken by ATV paths, which continue on the rail bed. It is easily missed when travelling south to north.

2.10 The rail bed crosses Teabo Road near homes.

2.35 The rail bed crosses South Bernards Road

2.75 The rail bed passes by a small school to the right

2.80 Rail bed skirts a wetland on the left

2.98 Reach Mt. Hope Road

3.00 After crossing Mt. Hope Road, the entrance to the Tilcon Quarry is visible. It takes up the former Mount Hope Mine site. Ahead, the Ford Feasch House, an old iron master's house still stands. There are mines behind it in the same vein that parallels the rail bed up the hill.


Newark-Pequannock Watershed Land

Managed by City of Newark

Acreage: 35,000



Old Rt 23 commuter lot (Passaic Co): Lat 41° 2'46.50"N Long 74°26'13.88"W

Canistear Road and Rt 23 commuter lot (Passaic Co): Lat 41° 4'50.92"N Long 74°29'33.14"W


NOTE: An inexpensive permit is required to hike in Newark-Pequannock Watershed. For permit information, see their website:

Highlands Trail: Teal diamond blazed. The Highlands Trail enters NPW land north of Ryker Lake and follows the mountainside above Oak Ridge Reservoir before descending to Rt 23 at Canistear Road. It then continues through the Sussex portion of the property on it's way north. See Long Distance Trails: Highlands Trail.

Wharton and Northern Railroad bed: unblazed. See Long Distance Trails: Wharton and Northern RR.

Four Birds Trail: 19.4 miles, white blazed. This trail passes through a section of NPW land in the north, along Copperas Mountain ending in Newfoundland. See Long Distance Trails: Four Birds Trail.


Palmer Park

Managed by Washington Township

Acreage: ?

Map: None found


Bartley Road: Lat 40°48'20.20"N Long 74°44'13.96"W


Patriot's Path: white blazed. A section of this long trail passes through Palmer Park from Columbia Trail on to a new piece of park land on the hillside to the south, the Tanners Brook Preserve. For more info, see Long Distance Trails: Patriot's Path.


Randolph Park

Managed by Randolph Twp.

Acreage: 41

Map: None found


Lat: 40°51'42.45"N Long: 74°37'31.49"W

Trails: More information needed.


Rock Spring Park

Managed by Washington Township (Morris)

Acreage: ?



Off Schooleys Mountain Road and East Springtown Road; Lat 40°47'40.30"N Long 74°47'44.00"W


Although there aren't formal trails, it's a nice park to walk, and could nearly be connected with Schooley's Mountain County Park with a trail. The property extends to connect with county land on Camp Washington Road where there is a clearing across from the lodge.


Schiff Nature Preserve

Managed by Schiff Natural Land Trust

Acreage: 354.5


Mendham Trails map:


Along Roxitucus Road: Lat 40°45'59.70"N Long 74°37'49.79"W

Trails: There are a great many nice trails in Schiff. Unfortunately, Metrotrails has yet to scout them all out. In addition, on our last visit we found it difficult to follow the map of the site, and got somewhat lost. Not all of the trails were marked to standard, unlike the majority of preserves in the area, and so we had a rather difficult time. The view point area above the North Branch of the Raritan was very nice.

Franklin Parker Trail: This trail has yet to be explored by Metrotrails.

Patriots Path Connector: This trail connects the Patriot's Path's blue section along the Rockaway Valley Railroad with the Schiff Nature Preserve. From Franklin Parker Trail, it descends and crosses Roxiticus Road where there is limited parking. The trail then goes through woods and crosses the North Branch of the Raritan River, also referred to as India Brook here, on concrete cylinders. It is inadvisable to try to cross during high water or icy periods. The cylinders are occasionally knocked into the water sideways.

Beyond the crossing, the trail can be somewhat overgrown, but leads shortly to the Patriot's Path on the old rail bed.


Scherman Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary

Managed by NJ Audobon Society

Acreage: 276



Hardscrabble Road: Lat 40°44'28.08"N Long 74°33'14.02"W


Patriots Path: blue blazed, with Patriots Path markers. A spur of the Patriot's Path beginning at Lewis Morris Park on the main route ends at Hardscrabble Road here. See Long Distance Trails.

Dogwood Trail: 1.3 miles, red audobon markers. This is a very rocky trail descending dramatically into the valley. It connects with Patriots Path.

Field Loop Trail: 0.7 mile, green markers. This trail leads through four warm season grass field areas as well as successional woods. It comes close to the Passaic River at one point.

River Trail: 0.3 mile, yellow. This trail follows the beautiful upper Passaic River from the Field Loop Trail to Dogwood Trail.

Habitat Health Interpretive Trail: multiple routes, unblazed. This trail makes it's way through woods, zig zagging a parallel with the driveway to the Hoffman House. The house was once the home of Frederick Hoffman, of the Hoffman Beverage Company fame, once a big competitor for the likes of Coke and Pepsi. Another Hoffman Brother had a mansion in Hoffman Park in Hunterdon County. The preserve is named for both Mr. Hoffman and Harry Schermann of the Book of the Month Club fame, who donated the first `125 acres.


Speedwell Park

Managed by City of Morristown

Acreage: ?

Patriots Path map:


Speedwell Ave: Lat 40°48'44.04"N Long 74°28'51.47"W

Historic Speedwell, Cory Road: Lat 40°48'47.25"N Long 74°28'48.41"W

Martin Luther King Ave: Lat 40°48'4.38"N Long 74°28'37.94"W


Patriots Path: White blazed. A section of this long trail passes through Speedwell Lake Park from Burnham Ave to Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. It passes by Speedwell Lake, historic Speedwell Village, and Lake Pocahontas. Side trails lead to other accesses, and one side path leads into the historic village site. See Long Distance Trails: Patriot's Path.


Tanners Brook Preserve

Managed by Chester Township

Acreage: 70.21



Tanners Brook Road: unlocated


Patriot's Path: white blazed. A section of this trail passes through Tanners Brook Preserve. It follows gently rolling terrain and connects with other similarly marked trails.

White trails: Side trails divert and return to Patriot's Path in this area, and can be rather confusing. To avoid confusion, not that Patriot's Path is marked with it's tree and path logo at important turns. It is normally marked with two by three inch blazes, while Tanners Brook trails are marked with two by six inch plastic. Patriot's Path is co-aligned with some of these, which causes some confusion.


Tempe Wick Reserve

Managed by Schiff Natural Land Trust?

Acreage: ?



Tempe Wick Road, unlocated


This preserve has yet to be explored by Metrotrails.


Wharton and Northern Railroad Bed

Managed by ?

Acreage: ?

Miles: 8.5

Not an official park or trail, but proposed

The Wharton and Northern was one of northern NJ's iron mining railroads, which connected the High Bridge Branch of the Central Railroad of NJ at Lake Junction with the New York, Susquehanna, and Western at Green Pond Junction. From Lake Junction to Picatinny Arsenal, the tracks are still in place, though badly overgrown. This was reportedly because it was felt the line might be needed to access Picatinny in time of war. The line north of Picatinny was abandoned in 1972.

Today, much of the route is clear and walkable, but not all of it is publicly accessible. Morris County Park Commission has plans to open some of the right of way as a new trail project which is under development.

We present the mileage for this right of way here with hopes that it will one day be an open trail.

0.00 The rail bed begins at New Green Pond Junction. The original junction was to the east of the later one. The line had to be moved in 1958 when the Charlottesburg Reservoir was constructed. Some of the original right of way is visible, but much is under water. The rail bed makes it's way along Charlottesburg Reservoir. Charlottesburg was named for the wife of King George III.

0.65 The rail bed passes through a deep cut

1.30 The rail bed crosses a tributary to the reservoir. There is an old truck sitting in the creek below.

1.60 A dirt road descends to the left of the rail bed

1.75 Rail bed crosses another tributary

2.02 The rail bed crosses Timberbrook Road, a woods road

2.18 Clearing on the left

2.32 A tributary leads from the right under the rail bed to a pond on the left

2.45 The original route of the W&N is on the left. The right of way is clear to the edge of Charlottesburg Reservoir where it disappears into the water.

2.75 The rail bed becomes badly washed out just before a crossing with Timberbrook Road. Ahead, the Four Birds Trail joins he rail bed and follows it briefly west, then turns to the right to ascend Green Pond Mountain.

3.00 The rail bed comes close to Timberbrook Lake

3.50 The rail bed begins to turn away from Timberbrook Lake and parallels Jacobs Road. It soon becomes overgrown.

3.75 The rail bed passes a private house and is overgrown. It is then used as the driveway to the house. Do not trespass.

3.80 The rail bed crosses Jacobs Road

4.00 Rail bed is joined by a road and becomes obscure

4.08 The rail bed turns away from the road to the left. Somehwere in this area was a spur to an iron mine.

4.23 Dirt road crosses

4.45 Abandoned mine spur track to the right

4.62 Rail bed comes near to a house on the right

4.75 The rail bed crosses Green Pond Road and enters Egbert Lake Park. It is overgrown at first.

4.90 The rail bed reaches the shore of Egbert Lake

5.06 Side trail to the right leads down from the rail bed, making possible a loop hike around Egbert Lake

5.60 A woods road crosses the rail bed, labeled Valley Road. Ahead, the rail bed goes close to people's houses. If this were to be made a trail, it would be necessary to turn left on the road and follow it to the end of the drivable portion of Valley Road, a short distance away.

5.77 The rail bed passes near to a house and is used as the private driveway. Do not trespass.

5.86 The driveway leaves the railroad bed. The rail bed continues to parallel Valley Road, which is county Rt 666, a strange secluded road in many places.

6.25 The rail bed comes close to a back yard on the left. To the right, it is now parallel to the massive Lake Denmark.

6.48 A woods road crosses

6.66 The rail bed crosses a wetland on a fill with views of Lake Denmark

6.84 Wetland on the left of the rail bed

6.96 Utility right of way crossing

7.12 A path to the left leads to the Oreland Branch, a former mine rail spur

7.25 Oreland Branch a former mine spur line broke off to the left of the W&N here. To the east, a good section of it is open to public in Wildcat Ridge WMA.

7.75 The rail bed comes close to Lake Denmark

8.20 The rail bed crosses a finger of Lake Denmark on a causeway

8.58 The rail bed crosses a road in Picatinny Arsenal. If the line ever were to become a trail, it would certainly have to stop here as the remainder of it enters the active base. It is likely that a trail could not even go this far due to security issues. Hikers, do not trespass on Picatinny Property. It is a federal offense, and may even be dangerous.


Wysong Park

Managed by Mendham

Acreage: ?



Along Rt 510: Lat 40°46'16.03"N Long 74°37'35.55"W


Patriot's Path: white blazed. A section of this trail passes through following the abandoned right of way of the Rockaway Valley Railroad.

Unmarked paths: Unmarked, mowed trails make their way along the east side of the park and connect with Patriot's Path, making possible a short loop hike, or an access to a longer hike.