
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”  - Henry Ford


Organizations We Love!

We understand we’re new to this; at least in an organized fashion. These folks aren’t. They’ve been doing this for YEARS. Please make sure that you visit their sites, and their sponsors. Buy their products (they’re good products!) and support them wherever possible.

If you are a non-profit agency, or publication for the NY/Philly metro area, and you aren’t on this list and want to be (trading links would be GREAT), please contact the webmaster at matthew@sgfstudios.com. As of now we are not setup for direct ads for retail and commercial interest, but may offer that in the future in a separate venue.

Conservancy Groups and Agencies

Appalachian Mountain. Club

Friends of the Great Swamp

Knowlton Twp. Historic Commission

NY/NJ Trail Conference

Ridge & Valley Conservancy

Solitude House/ Union Forge

Our Hiking Contacts and Groups

Yahoo Group


Friends and Supporters

Driving Jersey

Extreme Hiking NJ

North New Jersey Happenings

Weird NJ

Hosting courtesy of Firebrand Communications. Website design by SGF Studios

©2012 Metrotrails unless otherwise noted • All rights reserved